Who are my workshops for?

My workshops can be aimed at a variety of ages and
abilities. I have worked with professionals, businesses, children, adolescents,
and have worked in primary and secondary schools, universities, hospitals, retirement
homes and care facilities. With my experience I can design a workshop to suit
you and your needs.

  • How it Works

    • Try out my taster workshops for just 1 hour!
    • I design workshops for all types of
      situations and groups.
    • Recommended minimum duration for a workshop is 2 hours.
    • Engage deeply with 8 to 10 week programmes for a comprehensive experience and to create a
      finished piece
  • Art Workshops

    • Comics Creation: Unleash your inner artist and storyteller in a 2-hour session.
    • Create Your Own Fairy Tale: Dive into the world of imagination for a 3-hour creative journey.
    • Harnessing the Power of Creativity to Get Things Done: Practical creativity workshop, 1-2 hours.
    • Drawing as Mindful Journaling:
      Combine art and mindfulness in a 2-hour workshop.
  • Sustainability & Biodiversity

    • Turning Tides Workshop: Explore memories and future visions of shores using beach elements. Create a narrative art piece through mixed media and upcycling, contributing to a final group display.
    • Reuse, Reduce, Recycle: Engage in creative projects with recycled materials and create items like fabric flower pots, bird feeders, pencil wands and more!
    • Ocean Awareness Workshops: Dive into the importance of the seas and their ecosystems. Create art inspired by marine life and learn how to protect our oceans.

Mad Jessie's Workshop Menu 2024

art Workshop with drift wood and beach materials in glass jars

Turning Tides Workshop

Overview: Explore memories and future visions of shores, coastlines, and seas. Engage in a nature reflections session using beach elements like sand, seaweed, and shells. Create a narrative art piece through mixed media and up-cycling techniques. Each participant contributes a separate piece compiled into a final display.

Suggested Duration : 3 hours

Comics Creation Workshop, comic showing a brown bear as a super hero

Comics Creation Workshop

Overview: Learn comic creation regardless of drawing skills. Participants craft a physical comic using one sheet of paper and folds. Dive into character creation and storytelling. Fast-track your creativity in a one-hour introductory session or delve deeper in a two-hour workshop.

Suggested Duration: 2 hours (Fast Introductory: 1 hour)

Create and Illustrate Your Own Modern Day Fairy Tale Workshop

Overview: Put a personal twist on your favourite fairy tale by setting it in your preferred time period and illustrating it. Participants leave with a self-illustrated zine depicting their modified fairy tale, perhaps even starring themselves as the main character. Can be adapted to a 2hr workshop.

Suggested Duration: 3 hours

old cans and cartons painted and used to make fun characters during a  Reduce Reuse Recycle Workshop

Reduce Reuse Recycle Workshop

Overview: Focus on sustainability by creating long-lasting items from discarded materials. Customise the workshop for different age groups, crafting items like piggy banks, bird-feeders, plant pots, and printing plates. Workshop time is structured based on the number of items created.

Duration: Tailored to the group's needs

illustrated yellow duck watching a feather fall, depicting our Power of Creativity workshop

Harnessing the Power of Creativity to Get Things Done Workshop

Overview: Unlock the potential of drawing and creativity to achieve goals. This hands-on workshop comprises two drawing exercises. The first clears the mind and dissipates anxious thoughts, while the second visualises ideal dream situations and explores how questioning our desires can shape goals and strategies. Embrace the innate power of drawing to reorganise minds, goals, and businesses.

Suggested Duration: 1-2 hours

Miniature Hardback Book Creation Workshop, student writing title on miniature red book

Miniature Hardback Book Creation Workshop

Overview: Explore fine motor skills and creativity by crafting a miniature hardback cover book, including sewing it together and creating a cover.

Suggested Duration: 2 hours

Is your dream workshop missing? get in touch, and let's build it together!